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Before anything else, we wish to pay a heartfelt tribute to the remarkable work carried out by Nadia Léger and Georges Bauquier, her third husband. The catalogues raisonnés produced under their supervision list about 1660 oil paintings.

While achieving a comprehensive catalogue raisonné of works on paper might seem an insurmountable challenge given Fernand Léger’s prolific output, it is not entirely a utopian dream for the oils.

There are several reasons why a work might have escaped Georges Bauquier’s attention: Works directly gifted by the artist to friends that have been long preserved, works created between 1940 and 1945 and directly sold in the United States by the artist, or even works that have remained within the family with all its complexities…

Our ambition here is to give them all the visibility they deserve as they are presented to us.

Do not hesitate to submit your works to us, thereby allowing us to reveal to the art world unpublished works by one of the greatest artists of the 20th century.